Crio Bru Coffee Review!

We all know someone who cannot make it through their day without at least one cup of coffee, maybe even more. So many people rely on the caffeine in coffee for motivation, to get their day going. Why not experiment a little and find something better for you. Caffeine is addicting, after all. I also suffer from caffeine withdrawals, but not from coffee. Energy drinks are my weakness.

Crio Bru has a solution for those of you who cannot seem to find energy without drinking their beloved coffee. The best part? It’s healthier! With Crio Bru, you will not be drinking coffee, but brewed cacao. Chocolate! Pure cacao, roasted, ground, brewed and served, just like coffee! For those of you who know anything about chocolate, dark chocolate is bitter and studies in the past have shown the benefits of consuming dark chocolate.

So why Crio Bru verses coffee? Well, as I stated above, it’s healthier!
“Brewed cacao contains theobromine, a naturally occurring stimulant found in cacao that can be more pleasant than caffeine.”
“Thebromine gives you longer lasting, milder energy without the jitters and crash that can come from caffeine. You’ll also love that brewed cacao is 99.9% caffeine free and it’s boost of natural energy feels akin to a goodnight’s sleep.”

Now, what about the taste? Well, it’s bitter, to say the least. With a little experimenting, you can add creamer and sugar as you would with coffee, sort of even out the bitterness. It works! I am that person who adds a little coffee to her creamer, when I drink it.

I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who doesn’t have a love for chocolate, but would if you’re willing to find the right mixture for a healthy, natural energy!
Vistit Crio Bru’s website, to find a roast that fits you.
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